Tuesday, 12 August 2014

'Cathartic Dismantling' - design update

Level 2 now has evidence of 'cathartic dismantling'. I need to explain the ruinous nature of the walls, clearly acknowledging the precedents of 18th century garden ruins and the picturesque while at the same time stating that my intention is not to represent this but rather a 'cathartic' demolition or dismantling of the original structure. Just a bit though...

Level 2 was originally a privileged space occupied by the house surgeon/doctors, complete with billiards table in the large living space at the front. This space is now being taken for the use of the residents - the 'patients' - the building hierarchy is being reversed.

The arrangements of spaces on level 1 could be explained as a release or freeing of the orthogonal arrangement of rooms below with their long corridors - these are now released, freed up(wards) and arranged in a more humanistic, social way.

Find some nice metaphors for this release.

The heaviness of the eaves and dark entrance doorway versus the light filled (open) stairs up through the roof, with trees and birds.

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